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    Blue Seduction (2009)

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    Blue Seduction
    A middle aged music composer finds himself trapped in the seductive web of a young, sexy vocalist who is looking for her own fifteen seconds of fame. Mikey Taylor, once the very popular lead singer of the hot rock and roll group, THE SAINTS , lived a life of sex, drugs and rock and roll, until he met JOYCE, a real estate broker, now his wife of ten years. Joyce was instrumental in sobering Mike up through various rehabs, and always supportive, but then the real estate market took a dive, and Mike had to go back to writing songs for a new record album deal with his former partners STANLEY and DICKIE. Mikey, now known as MIKE TAYLOR, is in the Studio waiting to lay down the new tracks, when MATTY MCPHERSON, strikingly young and beautiful, introduces herself as the new demo singer. As she begins to sing, there is an immediate attraction between Mike and Matty, who is not only gorgeous and young...

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    • Timothy Bond
    • Thriller
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    IMDb Wertung:
    4 / 10 :: 221 Votes
    Genre: Thriller
    Executive Producer: Pierre Bernatchez
    Produzent: Benoit Martin
    Schauspieler: Billy Zane  Estella Warren  Jane Wheeler  Bernard Robichaud  Robbie O'Neill  Elizabeth Stevens  Josh Linton  Shaun Fitch  10 weitere
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