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    Trouble Bound (1993)

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    Trouble Bound
    Upon getting out of prison, a man who took the rap for some thief buddies gets together with them again, and tells them he's not interested in doing things with them any more. They stick a dead body in his trunk, unbeknownst to him, and he roars off to find his future. Unfortunately, they forgot to get the key they need off the body, so they're chasing him. Meanwhile, a mafia kingpin's daughter is trying to kill the hitman that killed her father, but her grandmother is trying to make peace with the family that hired the hitman, so she and her thugs are trying to stop the daughter. The guy and the daughter get together and experience mayhem on the run from two directions.

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    • Jeffrey Reiner
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    IMDb Wertung:
    5.8 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Action Komödie
    Co-Produzent: Francis Delia
    Executive Producer: W.M. Christopher Gorog
    Produzent: Tom Kuhn
    BBFC: 18
    MPAA: R
    Schauspieler: Michael Madsen  Patricia Arquette  Sal Jenco  Darren Epton  Gregory Sporleder  Paul Ben-Victor  Billy Bob Thornton  Rustam Branaman  13 weitere
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