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    The Grief Tourist (2012)

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    The Grief Tourist
    JIM TAHANA doesn't leave much of an impression when he passes you by. But look closer and you'll sense his hunger - the deep hunger of an insatiable American soul - always scanning to devour something - anything that might fill the searing, unexplained void within him. Jim obsesses over the hobby that has been part of his DNA since he was a young boy: grief tourism - the act of traveling with the intent to visit places of tragedy or disaster. Every year his week-long vacations from work are spent going to grief tourist locations in the lives of different serial killers he is fascinated with. This years obsession is Carl Marznap, a mass murder from New Orleans, Louisiana. But this trip is no ordinary vacation as Jim's rancid sexual impulses and weakening grip on reality deteriorate into a violent despair that will ultimately unlock an unspeakable secret festering within him, bringing The Grief Tourist to it's brutal and shocking finale...

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    • Suri Krishnamma
    • ~ 84 min.
    • Drama
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    4.9 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Drama Thriller
    Produzent: Zachery Ty Bryan
    Co-Produzent: Stephen Fromkin
    Executive Producer: Rick Matros
    BBFC: 18
    MPAA: R
    Schauspieler: Melanie Griffith  Michael Cudlitz  Pruitt Taylor Vince  Suzanne Quast  Eddie J. Fernandez  Waymond Lee  Brad Bufanda  Stefanie Kleine  27 weitere
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